Brown Deer Student Alliance

Student Advocacy AP® Class Scheduling

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March 7th Updates

BDSA representatives attended the March 7th School Board Teaching and Learning Committee meeting, which included a discussion about the 2017-18 master schedule.

Class updates

Earlier we stated on our main page that the three classes that had requested to be double-blocked were AP Macroeconomics/US Government and Politics, AP US History, and AP Chemistry. At this meeting we learned that Mr. Cibik no longer feels that AP US History needs extra time, but Mrs. O’Connell has requested that AP Calculus be double-blocked. We have updated the home page to reflect this change of information.

Proposed schedule

At the meeting, Mrs. Womack presented a schedule proposed by Mr. Flegel, which we have reproduced using our standard formatting below. The original document given out at the meeting is also available (pdf, 10.5MB).

These schedules have been reproduced exactly as they were provided to the BDSA in the above linked document, and are intended by their creators only as examples.

Please remember that in this context, “elective” refers to any non-core class, including Foreign Language (which is often required for college admissions), Physical Education (which is required for graduation), Art, Music, Theatre, and Engineering, as well as English or Social Studies electives, among others. (Nearly all electives will be full-year classes.)

Junior: “Student A”

Semester 1 | Semester 2
S1S2 BlackGold
AP Chemistry
AP Chemistry
2 Math Course English Course
3 Business & Financial Literacy Social Studies Elective Elective
4 Elective Elective

This student has three full-year electives available: B4, G3, G4. This student has one semester elective available: G12.

Junior: “Student B”

Semester 1 | Semester 2
S1S2 BlackGold
AP Chemistry
AP Chemistry
2 Math Course* Elective
3 Business & Financial Literacy Elective Elective
AP Calculus
AP Calculus

This student has two full-year electives available: G2, G3. This student has three semester electives available: B32, G12, G42.

*After it was pointed out that this student had two math classes and no English, Mrs. Womack stated that this Math Course is intended to be replaced with an English Course.

Senior: “Student A”

Semester 1 | Semester 2
S1S2 BlackGold
AP Chemistry
AP Chemistry
AP Econ/Gov
AP Econ/Gov
AP English
AP Calculus
AP Calculus

This student only has one full-year elective available: G3. This student has three semester electives available: G12, G22, G42.

Senior: “Student B”

Semester 1 | Semester 2
S1S2 BlackGold
AP Chemistry
AP Chemistry
AP Econ/Gov
AP Econ/Gov
3 Math Course (college bound) English Course
4 Elective Elective

This student has two full-year electives available: B4, G4. This student has two semester electives available: G12, G22.

Our concerns

We appreciate the confirmation that only the three aforementioned AP classes will be double-blocked, and believe that this is a step in the right direction. However, these double-blocked classes still have many of the same issues. Further, there simply aren’t enough one-semester electives available at Brown Deer to satisfy the amount of these one-semester slots that open up second semester, especially now that all Physical Education classes are a full year and many of the one-semester English classes have been canceled.

Read more about how double-blocking classes affects students and teachers.

Moving forward

The BDSA will continue to advocate for students in opposing this change. We have a meeting scheduled with administrators later this week to continue discussions about how to benefit these classes without resorting to double-blocking.